One of the all-time famous mathematicians is Pierre de Fermat. He is a French mathematician and lived in the 17th century.
To mention Fermat, we must mention "his problem" - the Fermat's last problem. The problem that had challenged generations of mathematicians. Probably the reason that his problem is so well-known and attracted so much effort from top mathematicians as well as young school students is that it is stated so simple and that a secondary school student can understand it.
The Fermat's last problem is stated as follows. Prove that for any $n \geq 3$ the following equation does not have non-trivial solutions
$$ x^n+y^n=z^n $$
Non-trivial solutions here mean non-zero solutions. This is because if $x$, $y$ or $z$ is equal to 0 then the equation becomes trivial.